Bueller? Bueller?

It’s been awhile. Since the last post we’ve been busy with Thanksgiving, 1st birthdays, and Christmas. It was the first year having the boys at home during the holidays and we took advantage of it. We enjoyed being in the moment with the twins and watching them meet some major developmental milestones over the last few months. Time really does go by fast.

Now that we are back in our routine we are refocusing back to KC Creek and getting this program up and running. We have added to our animal family and will be incorporating Jethro the Donkey and Johnny the Goat as part of the therapeutic process. Who doesn’t like playing with goats?!?

Our site pad is ready for the barn. We’ve done our first few equine assisted psychotherapy sessions. The horses are excited to be interacting with others. They truly are healing animals. We are beyond excited to bring this form of psychotherapy to the community. Contact us today to schedule your therapy sessions.